
Publications 2008

Journal Papers

Staffan Ekvall, Danica Kragic (2008)
Robot learning from demonstration: a task-level planning approach
In International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Johan Tegin, Jan Wikander, Staffan Ekvall, Danica Kragic, Boyko Illev (2008)
Demonstration Based Learning and Control for Automatic Grasping
In Intelligent Service Robotics (To Appear)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Juan Andrade-Cetto and Federico Thomas (2008)
A Wire-based Active Tracker
In IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 24(3):642-651
Abstract - Publication - bib
Marí­a Alberich-Carramiñana, Guillem Alenyà , Juan Andrade-Cetto, Elisa Martinez and Carme Torras (2008)
Recovering the epipolar direction from two affine views of a planar object
In Computer Vision and Image Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 112(2):195-209
Abstract - Publication - bib
T. Asfour, P. Azad, F. Gyarfas, R. Dillmann (2008)
Imitation of Dual-Arm Manipulation Tasks in Humanoid Robots
In International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR)
Abstract - Publication - bib
J. Moren, A. Ude, A. Koene, and G. Cheng (2008)
Biologically-based top-down attention modulation for humanoid interactions
In International Journal of Humanoid Robotics
Abstract - Publication - bib
A. Ude, D. Omrcen, and G. Cheng (2008)
Making object learning and recognition an active process
In International Journal of Humanoid Robotics
Abstract - Publication - bib
D. Kraft, N. Pugeault, E. Baseski, M. Popovic, D. Kragic, S. Kalkan, F. Wörgötter and N. Krüger (2008)
Birth of the Object: Detection of Objectness and Extraction of Object Shape through Object Action Complexes
In the special issue on "Cognitive Humanoid Robots" of the International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
T. Asfour, P. Azad, N. Vahrenkamp, K. Regenstein, A. Bierbaum, K. Welke, J. Schröder, R. Dillmann (2008)
Toward humanoid manipulation in human-centred environments
In Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Abstract - Publication - bib
F. Wörgötter, A. Agostini, N. Krüger, N. Shylo and B. Porr. (2008)
Cognitive agents - a procedural perspective relying on the predictability of Object-Action-Complexes (OACs)
In Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Abstract - Publication - bib
D. Aarno, J. Sommerfeld, D. Kragic, N. Pugeault, S. Kalkan, F. Wörgötter, D. Kraft, N. Krüger (2008)
Early Reactive Grasping with Second Order 3D Feature Relations
In In ICAR 07: The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Jeju Island, Korea
Abstract - Publication - bib
Akyürek, E.G., Toffanin, P. and Hommel, B. (2008)
Adaptive control of event integration
In Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Vicente Ruiz de Angulo and Carme Torras (2008)
Learning Inverse Kinematics: Reduced Sampling Through Decomposition Into Virtual Robots
Abstract - Publication - bib

Textbook Chapters

A. Billard, S. Canon, R. Dillmann and S. Schaal (2008)
Robot Programming by Demonstration
In Handbook of Robotics
Abstract - Publication - bib
Guillem Alenyà  and Carme Torras (2008)
Monocular object pose computation with the foveal-peripheral camera of the humanoid robot Armar-III
Abstract - Publication - bib

Conference Papers

Tamim Asfour, Kai Welke, Pedram Azad, Ales Ude, Rüdiger Dillmann (2008)
The Karlsruhe Humanoid Head
In IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Daejeon, Korea, 2008.
Abstract - Publication - bib
K. Welke, T. Asfour and R. Dillmann (2008)
Object Separation Using Active Methods and Multi-View Representations
In 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2008) (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
K. Huebner, S. Ruthotto and D. Kragic (2008)
Minimum Volume Bounding Box Decomposition for Shape Approximation in Robot Grasping
In 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2008)
Abstract - Publication - bib
K. Huebner, M. Björkman, B. Rasolzadeh, M. Schmidt and D. Kragic (2008)
Integration of Visual and Shape Attributes for Object Action Complexes
In 6th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS 2008)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Grest, D. and Krueger, V. (2008)
Gradient-Ennhanced Particle Filter for Vision-Based Motion Capture
In ICCV-Workshop Human Motion: Understanding, Modeling, Capture and Animation (In Press)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Alejandro Agostini, Enric Celaya, Carme Torras and Florentin Wörgötter (2008)
Action Rule Induction from Cause-Effect Pairs Action Rule Induction from Cause-Effect Pairs Learned hrough Robot-Teacher Interaction
In International Conf. on Cognitive Systems, April 2-4, Karlsruhe
Abstract - Publication - bib
Javier Romero, Danica Kragic, Ville Kyrki and Antonis Argyros (2008)
Dynamic Time Warping for Binocular Hand Tracking and Reconstruction
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Hedvig Kjellström, Javier Romero, Danica Kragic (2008)
Visual Recognition of Grasps for Human-to-Robot Mapping
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intellingent Robots and Systems (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Hedvig Kjellström, Javier Romero, David Martinez, Danica Kragic (2008)
Simultaneous Visual Recognition of Manipulation Actions and Manipulated Objects
In European Conference on Computer Vision (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
D. Kraft, E. Baseski, M. Popovic, A. M. Batog, A. Kjær-Nielsen and N. Krüger, R. Petrick, C. Geib, N. Pugeault and M. Steedman, T. Asfour and R. Dillmann, S. Kalkan and F. Wörgötter, B. Hommel, R. Detry and J. Piater (2008)
Exploration and Planning in a Three-Level Cognitive Architecture
In International Conference on Cognitive Systems (CogSys)
Abstract - Publication - bib
S. Kalkan, F. Wörgötter and N. Krüger (2008)
Depth Prediction at Homogeneous Image Structures
In Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'08)
Abstract - Publication - bib
K. Huebner and D. Kragic (2008)
Selection of Robot Pre-Grasps using Box-Based Shape Approximation
In 2008 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2008)
Abstract - Publication - bib
P. Azad, T. Asfour, R. Dillmann (2008)
Robust Real-time Stereo-based Markerless Human Motion Capture.
In IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Daejeon, Korea, 2008.
Abstract - Publication - bib
Justus Piater and Renaud Detry (2008)
3D Probabilistic Representations for Vision and Action
In Workshop on Robotics Challenges for Machine Learning II
Abstract - Publication - bib
T. Asfour, K. Welke, P. Azad, A. Ude und R. Dillmann (2008)
The Karlsruhe Humanoid Head
In Intern. Conference on Humanoid Robots (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Bierbaum, A. and Gubarev, I. and Dillmann, R. (2008)
Robust Shape Recovery for Sparse Contact Location and Normal Data from Haptic Exploration
In IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice, France
Abstract - Publication - bib
A. Bierbaum, M. Rambow, T. Asfour and R. Dillmann (2008)
A Potential Field Approach to Dexterous Tactile Exploration
In IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots [Humanoids 2008] (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Justus Piater, Fabien Scalzo and Renaud Detry (2008)
Vision as Inference in a Hierarchical Markov Network
In Twelfth International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems
Abstract - Publication - bib
Renaud Detry, Nicolas Pugeault and Justus Piater (2008)
Probabilistic Pose Recovery Using Learned Hierarchical Object Models
In International Cognitive Vision Workshop
Abstract - Publication - bib
R. Petrick, D. Kraft, K. Mourao, C. Geib, N. Pugeault, N. Krüger and M. Steedman (2008)
Representation and Integration: Combining Robot Control, High-Level Planning, and Action Learning
In The 6th International Cognitive Robotics Workshop (CogRob 2008), Patras, Greece, July 21-22
Abstract - Publication - bib
Martin Do, Pedram Azad, Tamim Asfour, Rüdiger Dillmann (2008)
Imitation of Human Motion on a Humanoid Robot using Nonlinear Optimization.
In IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Daejeon, Korea, 2008.
Abstract - Publication - bib
D. Herzog, A. Ude, and V. Krueger (2008)
Motion Imitation and Recognition Using Parametric Hidden Markov Models
In Proc. IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. Humanoid Robots, Daejeon, Korea, 2008.
Abstract - Publication - bib
D. Omrcen, A. Ude, and A. Kos (2008)
Learning Primitive Actions through Object Exploration
In Proc. IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. Humanoid Robots, Daejeon, Korea, 2008. (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
A. Ude and T. Asfour (2008)
Control and recognition on a humanoid head with cameras having different field of view
In Proc. 19th IAPR Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, Tampa, Florida, 2008 (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Saùl Cuén, Juan Andrade-Cetto and Carme Torras (2008)
Action selection for robotic manipulation of deformable objects
In ESF-JSPS Conference on Experimental Cognitive Robotics
Abstract - Publication - bib
Kolodziejski, C., Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F. (2008)
On the asymptotic equivalence between differential Hebbian and TD-learning using a local third factor
In Advances in neural information processing systems 21, Vancouver (In Press)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Kolodziejski, C., Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F. (2008)
On the equivalence between differential Hebbian and temporal difference learning
In Proceedings of the Computational and Systems Neuroscience meeting COSYNE 2008 (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Manoonpong P., Wörgötter F., and Pasemann, F. (2008)
Neural Preprocessing of Auditory-Wind Sensory Signals and Modular Neural Control for Auditory- and Wind-Evoked Escape Responses of Walking Machines
In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO, Bangkok, Thailand, 21 - 26 February 2009 (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Shylo, N., Wörgötter, F. and Dellen, B. (2008)
Ascertaining relevant changes in visual data by interfacing AI reasoning and low-level visual information via temporally stable image segments
In CogSys 2008 (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Vahrenkamp, N., Wieland, S., Azad, P., Gonzalez, D., Asfour, T., Dillmann, R. (2008)
Visual servoing for humanoid grasping and manipulation tasks
In 8th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoids 2008
Abstract - Publication - bib

Technical Report

Welke, K., Przybylski, M., Asfour, T., Dillmann, R. (2008)
Kinematic Calibration for Saccadic Eye Movements
In Technical Report. Institute for Anthropomatics, Universität Karlsruhe.
Abstract - Publication - bib
Alejandro Agostini, Enric Celaya, Carme Torras, and Florentin Wörgötter (2008)
Learning Rules from Cause-Effects Explanations.
In IRI-TR 04/2008, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC
Abstract - Publication - bib
Alejandro Agostini, Florentin Wörgötter, Enric Celaya and Carme Torras (2008)
On-Line Learning of Macro Planning Operators using Probabilistic Estimations of Cause-Effects
In IRI-TR 05/2008, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC
Abstract - Publication - bib

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