
Publications 2007

Journal Papers

Dellen, B. K. and Wörgötter, F. (2007)
Computing local velocity estimates of image sequences by constructive interference of global Fourier components.
In ITTT Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2007. (Submitted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Krüger, V., Kragic, D., Ude, A. Geib, C. (2007)
The Meaning of Action.
In (editorial for a special issue on Imitative Robots, Inamura, T. and Metta, G. (eds.)) Int. J. Advanced Robotic, 2007. (Submitted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Kulvicius, T., Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F. (2007)
Chaining learning architectures in a simple closed-loop behavioural context.
In Biol. Cybern. 2007. (Submitted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Lavender, T. and Hommel, B. (2007)
Affect and action: Towards an event-coding account.
In Emotion and Cognition, 2007. (In Press)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Manoonpong, P., Geng, T., Porr, B., Kulvicius, T. and Wörgötter, F. (2007)
Adaptive, fast walking in a biped robotunder neuronal control and learning.
In PLoS Computational Biology, 2007. (To Appear)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Steedman, M., and Francez, N., (2007)
Categorial Grammar and the Semantics of Contextual Prepositional Phrases.
In Linguistics and Philosophy, 2007. (To Appear)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Isabel Vicente, Ville Kyrki, Danica Kragic (2007)
Action recognition and understanding through motor primitives
In Advanced Robotics, Vol. 21, No.15, pp.1687-1707 (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib

Textbook Chapters

Krüger, V. (2007)
Recognition of Action as a Bayesian Parameter Estimation Problem over Time.
In Human Motion. Metaxas et al. (eds.) Spring, 2007. (To Appear)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Ude, A., Moren, J. and Cheng, G.. (2007)
Visual Attention and Distributed Processing of Visual Information for the Control of Humanoid Robots.
In Advanced Robotic Systems, Vienna, 2007. (To Appear)
Abstract - Publication - bib

Conference Papers

Aarno, D., Sommerfeld, J., Kragic, D., Pugeault, N. Kalkan, S., Wörgötter,F., Kraft, D. and Krüger, N. (2007)
Model-independent grasping initializing object-model learning in a cognitive architecture.
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Workshop: From features to actions - Unifying perspectives in computational and robot vision, 2007. (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Guillem Alenyà , María Alberich-Carramiñana and Carme Torras (2007)
Depth from the visual motion of a planar target induced by zooming
In IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 4727-4732, Rome, 2007.
Abstract - Publication - bib
Asfour, T., Welke, K., Ude, A., Azad, P., Hoeft, J., Dillmann, R. (2007)
Perceiving Objects and Movements to Generate Actions on a Humanoid Robot
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Workshop: From features to actions - Unifying perspectives in computational and robot vision, 2007.
Abstract - Publication - bib
Azad, P., Asfour, T. and Dillmann, R. (2007)
Toward an Unified Representation for Imitation of Human Motion on Humanoids.
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Rome, Italy, 2007.
Abstract - Publication - bib
Azad; Ude, A., Asfour, T., and Dillmann, R. (2007)
Stereo-based Markerless Human Motion Capture for Humanoid Robots.
In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Rome, Italy, 2007.
Abstract - Publication - bib
Broekens, J. and Haazebroek, P. (2007)
Emotion & Reinforcement: Affective facial expressions facilitate robot learning.
In Proceedings of the AI for Human Computing workshop at the International Joint Conference on Artificial intelligence, 2007. (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Ekvall, S. and Kragic, D. (2007)
Learning and Evaluation of the Approach Vector for Automatic Grasp Generation and Planning.
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2007. ICRA 07, Rome, Italy, 2007. (To Appear)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Geib, C. and Steedman, M. (2007)
On Natural Language Processing and Plan Recognition.
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Veloso, M. (eds.), pg 1612-1616,2007. (To Appear)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Grest, D. and Krüger, V. (2007)
Analytical Single View Motion Tracking by Depth and Silhouette Information.
In Proc. Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA, 2007. (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Hommel, B. and Klippel, A. (2007)
Embodying spatial maps.
In Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Control Mechanisms for Spatial Knowledge Processing in Cognitive/Intelligent Systems, 2007. (In Press)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Kalkan, S., Wörgötter, F. and Krüger, N. (2007)
Statistical Analysis of Second-Order Relations of 3D Structures.
In Robot Vision Workshop at the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Barcelona, Spain, 2007. (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Krüger, V. nad Grest, D. (2007)
Using Hidden Markov Models for Recognizing Action Primitives in Complex Actions.
In Proc. Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysi (SCIA), 2007. (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Lacroix, J.P.W., Postma, E.O. and Van den Herik, J.H. (2007)
Active classification with NIM-CLASS.
In CogSci 2007 Conference. (To Appear)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Lacroix, J.P.W., Postma, E. O. and Van den Herik, J.H. (2007)
Modeling visual classification using bottom-up and top-down fixation selection.
In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2007). (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Manoonpong, P., Geng, T., Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F. (2007)
The RunBot architecture for adaptive, fast, dynamic walking.
In IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), New Orleans, USA, May 27-30, 2007. (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Petrick, R., Geib, C., Mourao, K., Pugeault, N., Steedman, M., Krüger, N. and Wörgötter, F. (2007)
Object Action Complexes as Intermediate Representation for Intergrating Robot Control and Planning.
In National Meeting of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 22nd. 2007. (Submitted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Pugeault, N., Baseski, E., Kraft, D., Wörgötter, F. and Krüger, N. (2007)
Extraction of multi-modal Object representations in a Robot Vision System.
In Robot Vision Workshop at the int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2007. (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Todt E. and Torras C. (2007)
Landmark-view recognition based on bipartite-graph matching and logistic regression.
In IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Rome, 2007. (Accepted)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Kai Welke, Erhan Oztop, Gordon Cheng and Rüdiger Dillmann (2007)
Exploiting Similarities for Robot Perception
In 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2007)
Abstract - Publication - bib
Teresa Vidal-Calleja, Mitch Bryson, Salah Sukkarieh, Alberto Sanfeliu and Juan Andrade-Cetto (2007)
On the observability of bearing-only SLAM
In IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Rome, 2007
Abstract - Publication - bib
Guillem Alenyà  and Carme Torras (2007)
Zoom control to compensate camera translation within a robot egomotion estimation approach
In Intl. Workshop on Robot Motion Control, Bukowy Dworek, Poland, Lecture Notes in Information Sciences 360, pp. 81-88, June 2007
Abstract - Publication - bib
Ales Ude, Marcia Riley, Andrej Kos, Bojan Nemec, Tamim Asfour and Gordon Cheng (2007)
Synthesizing goal-directed actions from a library of example movements
In Proc. IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. Humanoid Robots
Abstract - Publication - bib
D. Omrcen, A. Ude, K. Welke, T. Asfour, and R. Dillmann (2007)
Sensorimotor processes for learning object representations
In Proc. IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. Humanoid Robots
Abstract - Publication - bib
D. Aarno, J. Sommerfeld, D. Kragic, N. Pugeault, S. Kalkan, F. Wörgötter, D. Kraft, N. Krüger (2007)
Early Reactive Grasping with Second Order 3D Feature Relations
In ICAR 07: The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Jeju Island, Korea
Abstract - Publication - bib
Renaud Detry and Justus Piater (2007)
Hierarchical Integration of Local 3D Features for Probabilistic Pose Recovery
In Workshop on Robot Manipulation: Sensing and Adapting to the Real World
Abstract - Publication - bib
N. Pugeault, E. Ba?eski, D. Kraft, F. Wörgötter and N. Krüger (2007)
Extraction of multi-modal Object representations in a Robot Vision System
In Robot Vision Workshop at the Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP
Abstract - Publication - bib
Azad, P., Asfour, T. and Dillmann, R. (2007)
Stereo-based 6D Object Localization for Grasping with Humanoid Robot Systems
In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Abstract - Publication - bib

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