Publications 2006
Journal Papers
Ekvall, S., Aaron, D. and Kragic, D.
On-line Task Recognition and Real-Time Adaptive Assistance for Computer Aided Machine Control.
In IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 22(5). pp. 1029-1033, 2006.
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Hommel, B.
On the social psychology of modeling.
In Neural Networks, vol. 19,pp. 1455-1457, 2006.
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König, P. and Krüger, N.
Perspectivs: Symbols as self-emergent entities in an optimization process of feature extraction and predictions.
In Biological Cybernetics 94(4):325-334, 2006.
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Publication -
Kyrki, V., Kragic, D. and Christensen, H.
Measurements errors in visual servoing.
In Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 54(10), pp. 815-827, 2006.
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Publication -
Moeslund, T., Hilton, A. and Krüger, V.
A survey of advences in vision-based human motion capture and analysis.
In Int. J. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 104(2-3). 90-127, 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Porta, J. M., Vlassis, N., Spaan, M. and Poupart, P.
Point-Based Value Iteration for Continuous POMDPs.
In Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 7, pp. 2329-2367, 2006.
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Publication -
Steedman, M. and Stone, M.
Is Semantics Computational?
In Theoretical Linguistics, vol 32, pg 73-89, 2006.
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Textbook Chapters
Hommel, B.
How we do what we want: A neuro-cognitive perspective on human action planning.
In R. J. Jorna, W. van Wezel, & A. Meystel (eds.), Planning in intelligent systems:Aspects, motivations and methods, pp. 27-56, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Krüger, V.
Recognizing Action Primitives in Complex Action using Hidden Markov Models.
In Advances in Visual Cpmputing. Metaxas et al. (eds). Springer, LNCS 4291/2006, pp. 538-547, 2006.
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Conference Papers
Aarno, D. and Kragic, D (2007)
Layered HMM for Motion Intention Recognition.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'06), Beijing, China, 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Agostini, A. and Celaya, E.
Generalization in Reinforcement Learning with a Task-Related World Description using Rules.
In Technical Report IRI-DT 2006/01. Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, UPC-CSIC, Spain, 2006.
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Publication -
Alberich-Carramiñana, M., Alenyà , G., Andrade-Cetto, J., Martinez, E. and Torras, C.
Affine epipolar direction from two views of a planar contour.
In Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, vol. 4179 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 9944-955, 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Alenyà , G. and Torras, C.
Anàlisi estadistica de la propagació de Ierror per a aplicacions de deformacions de contorns actius.
In 2a Jornada de Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, Grau, A. and Puig, V. (eds.), Edicions de la Universitat Politèecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Andrade-Cetto, J. nad Torras, C.
PACO-PULS - Perception, Action and Cognition through Learning of Object-Action Complexes.
In 2a Jornada de Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, Grau, A. and Puig, V. (eds.) Edicions de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2006.
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Publication -
Andrade-Cetto. J. and Thomas, F.
Wire-based tracking using mutual information.
In Advances in Robot Kinematics, pp. 3-14, Ljubljana, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Asfour, T., Gyrafas, F., Azad, P. and Dillmann, R.
Imitation learning of Dual-Arm Manipulation Tasks in Humanoid Robots.
In IEEE-Ras International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoid), Genoa, Italy, 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Asfour, T., Regenstein, R., Azad, P., Schröder, J., Bierbaum, A., Vahrenkamp, N., Dillmann, R. (2006)ARMAR-III:
An Integrated Humanoid Platform for Sensory-Motor Control.
In IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Genoa, Italy, 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Azad, P., Ude, A., Asfour T., Cheng, G. and Dillmann, R.
Image-based Makerless 3D Human Motion Capture using Multiple Cues.
In International Workshop on Vision Based Human-Robot Interaction, Palermo, Italy, 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Bueno, J. and Hragic, D.
Integration of Tracking and Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Models for Postture Recognition.
In RO-MAN 06: The 15th I Communication University of Hertfordshire, UK EEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication University of Hertfordshire, UK, 2006.
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Publication -
Ekvall, S., Aarno, D. and Kragic, D.
Task Learning Using Graphical Programming and Human Demonstrations.
In RO-MAN 06: The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication University of Hertfordshire, UK 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Ekvall, S. and Kragic, D
Learning Task Models from Multiple Human Demonstrations.
In RO-MAN 06: The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication University of Hertfordshire, UK, 2006.
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Publication -
Geib, C., Mourao, K., Petrik, R., Pugeault, N., Steedman, M., Krüger, N. and Wörgötter, F.
Object Action Complexes as an Interface for Planning and Robot Control.
In Proceedings for the HUMANOIDS-06 Workshop Toward Cognitive Humanoid Robots, 2006.
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Publication -
Geng, T., Kulvicius, T.,Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F.
Neural Control and Synaptic Plasticity in a Planar Biped Walking Robot.
In 15th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS). Edinburgh, 2006.
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Publication -
Kalkan, S., Wörgötter, F. and Krüger, N.
Stratical Analysis of Local 3D Structure in 2D images.
In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Kolodziejski, C., Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F.
Fast, flexible and adaptive motor Control achieved by pairing neuronal learning with recruiyment.
In 15th Annual Computational Neuroscience meeting (CNS), Edinburgh, 2006.
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Publication -
Lacroix, J. P. W., Postma, E. O., Hommel, B. and Haazebroek, P.
NIM as a brain for a humanoid robot.
In Proceedings of the Towards Cognitive Humanoid Robot Workshop at the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2006.
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Publication -
Manoonpong, P., Geng, T. and Wörgötter, F.
Exploring the dynamic Walking rande of the biped robot "Runbot" with an active upper-body component.
In IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2006), 4 - 6 December, Genova, Italy, 2006.
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Publication -
Morales, A., Asfour, T., Azad, P., Knoop, S. and Dillmann, R.
Intergrated Grasp Planning and Visual Object Localization For a Humanoid Robot with Five-Fingered Hands.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Beijing, China, 2006.
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Publication -
Riley, M., Ude, A., Atkeson, C. G. and Cheng, G.
Coaching: An Approach to Efficiently and Intuitively Create Humanoid Robot Behaviors.
In Proc. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Genova, Italy, 2006.
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Publication -
Saal, H., Nortmann, N., Krüger, N. and könig, P.
Salient image Regions as a Guide for useful visual Features.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. Conference on Advences in Cybernetic Systems, 2006.
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Publication -
Tegin, J., Wikander, J., Ekvall, S., Kragic, D. and Illev, B.
Experience based Learning and Control of Robotic Grasping.
In IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots Workshop Towards Cognitive Humanoid Robots. Genova, Italy, 2006.
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Publication -
Ude, A.
Sensorimotor primitives for building object representations. Workshop "Towards Cognitive Humanoid Robots".
In IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Genova, Italy, 2006.
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Publication -
Vidal-Calleja, T., Davison, A. D., Andrade-Cetto, J. and Murray, D. W.
Active control for single camera SLAM.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1930-1936. Orlando, 2006.
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Publication -
Vidal.Calleja, T., Sanfeliu A. and Andrade-Cetto, J.
Autonomous Single Camera Exploration.
In 2a Jornada de Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, Grau, A. and Puig, A., (eds.) Edicions de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2006.
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Publication -
Villamizar, M., Sanfeliu, A. and Andrade-Cetto, J.
Computation of Rotation Local Invariant Features using the Integral Image for Real Time Object Detection.
In Proceedings of the 18th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, vil. 4, pp. 81-85, Hong Kong, 2006.
Abstract -
Publication -
Villamizar, M., Sanfeliu A. and Andrade-Cetto, J.
Cómputo de Caracteristicas Invariantes a la Rotación para el Reconocimiento de Distintas Clases de Objetos.
In Proc. XXVII Jornadas de Automàtica, Almeria, pp. 96-102, 2006.
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Publication -
Villamizar, M., Sanfeliu, A. and Andrade-Cetto, J.
Orientation invariant features for multiclass object recognition.
In Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications, vol. 4225 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 655-664, 2006.
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Welke, K., Oztop, E., Ude, A., Dillmann, R. and Cheng, G.
Learning feature representations for an object recgonition system.
In Proc, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Genova, Italy, 2006.
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H. Saal, N. Nortmann, N. Krüger and P. König (2006)
Salient image regions as a guide for useful visual features
In IEEE 5th Chapter Conference on Advances in Cybernetics Systems
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